45-Day Satisfaction Guarantee

GlaxoSmithKline (“GSK”) stands behind its products and quality controls. If for any reason you are not satisfied with any GSK product that you purchased from one of our authorized sellers, we’ll gladly provide you with a refund within 45 days of the date of purchase (the “Guarantee”).
Please note that because GSK is unable to control the quality of our products sold by unauthorized sellers, the Guarantee is not available for products purchased from unauthorized sellers.
How to Claim the Guarantee
To submit a Guarantee request, please call one of our Consumer Relations Associates (CRA) at 1-800-245-1040 and have information available regarding where, when, and from whom you purchased your product. Once the CRA verifies your eligibility to claim the Guarantee, the CRA will provide you with details on how to mail in a proof of purchase (original receipt or invoice) and the physical UPC code of your GSK product.
The proof of purchase must be postmarked within 45 days of the date of purchase. Please note that you are responsible for costs incurred in mailing your proof of purchase and physical UPC code.
GSK Guarantee Guidelines
GSK reserves the right to verify information, to require a valid proof of purchase, and to deny Guarantee requests in its discretion if GSK determines that a customer is abusing the Guarantee or has engaged in fraud.